Been plugging away at class 2. It is ROUGH! Much harder than class one. ( you like that, class "2" and spelling class "one" ). I have a lot of work to do on my kicking animation, but we took quite a bit of time today to do a cover for a chicago motion graphics rag. When I heard they offered us the opportunity, I was kind of " meh, so fucking what" but then we kind of got a cool seed of an idea going and this is the result:
Ok, fucking blogger formats shit in its own way so its to the LEFT instead of below my previous paragraph, but what-fucking-ever. OH, also, I've had a few beers before writing this post, so if you're thinking "wow this is total stream of consiousness" you guess correctly. Unfortunately, you do NOT win a prize, unless that price is you contacting me sometime in the nest 5-8 weeks and requesting your earned and well deserved "High Five". Anyways, I really like the way this turned out. It was a team effort through and through. We all kind of developed the idea in the office. I did the initial skethch and layout. Rob did the line work, color and painting, and Nick did the blood graphics work.
Pretty stoked on it overall. Please provide talk-O's to tell me your take on it.
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