
Culmination of Class One

Walks, poses, bounces. Here's the lot of them. All from my first class at Animation Mentor.

I've honestly come quite a ways. I initially considered myself a competent animator, but I've come to realize I do have a lot to learn. I hear class 2 is pretty challenging and I have a lot of long nights ahead of me. I'm going to have to learn to manage my time better and be more efficient with the time I do spend on assignments. I'll be doing some 2D animation at work the same time as Class 2 so I'm considering attempting some of the assignments in the paper and pencil medium as well.

I need that power from 時をかける少女, so I can stop time and learn Maya as well as I know max. Sure, The Matrix route may be quicker, but I didn't want to post a link to The Matrix.

Ah well, back to work. To my extensive readership network ( a.k.a. maybe Rob if I send him a link here to remind him this blog even exists ), so long for now.

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